“The BRIGHT YELLOW Dive Store!”

Open 8am to 5pm 7 Days

Closed Public Holidays

Wellington’s only in-store diver training pool

“The BRIGHT YELLOW Dive Store” 

Wellingtons only in-store diver training pool

Open 8am to 5pm 7 Days

Closed Public Holidays

Emergency Oxygen

Course Length: 1 Day
Prerequisites: None

7th Sept. 1pm to around 4pm.

Count’s toward PADI Master SCUBA Diver

eMail:  nzsa@scubadiving.co.nz
Phone: 04-233-8238




Be the one ready to help a fellow diver should the need arise by becoming a PADI Emergency Oxygen Specialist.

Why take the PADI Emergency Oxygen course?

Breathe easy—knowing that you know how to recognize illnesses treatable by emergency oxygen. Being the best buddy you can be means being prepared – especially in a time of need.

What’s involved in the course?

During the course you will learn to recognize diving illnesses treatable by emergency oxygen. How to Properly setup the equipment and Administer emergency oxygen.

Who can take the course?

Though suited for divers, this course has no prerequisites and doesn’t include dives, which means it is equally applicable to those who are around divers – boat crew, non-diving buddies, lifeguards, and shore staff. You don’t need any previous CPR or first aid training to take the course.

When does the course run?

All our specialties run regularly year round. Our training staff can work out an individual schedule for the specialty courses that interest you.

Where does the course run?

At our dive centre in Mana just out of Porirua, Wellington.

How do I sign up?

Register online above with your details, it’s that simple!  You can also come by the store or give us a call or email.  Don’t forget to let us know when you would like to do the course.

Related Courses

  • PADI Rescue Diver Course; learn in water rescue techniques and general diver safety awareness.
  • PADI Professional Courses; having an Emergency Oxygen rating is a favourable and sometimes a requirement for employment.

PADI Rescue Diver Course                  PADI Professional Courses

PADI Specialties count toward your PADI Master Scuba Diver rating!

Two People Scuba Diving, Doing a Specialty to Advance their dive skills and build confidence working toward their Master Scuba Diver rating at New Zealand Sea Adventures