“The BRIGHT YELLOW Dive Store!”

Open 8am to 5pm 7 Days

Closed Public Holidays

Wellington’s only in-store diver training pool

“The BRIGHT YELLOW Dive Store” 

Wellingtons only in-store diver training pool

Open 8am to 5pm 7 Days

Closed Public Holidays

Night Diver

Course Length – 1-2 Nights/2-3 Dives

Open Water Diver
12 Years or older
Diver Medical |Participant Questionnaire

padi elearning

Special Equipment Requirements
Primary Dive Light
Back-up Dive Light
Marker Light

Count’s toward PADI Master SCUBA Diver

eMail:  nzsa@scubadiving.co.nz
Phone: 04-233-8238




Introduce yourself to the whole new cast of critters that come out after the sun goes down. Take the Night Diving Specialty and see your favorite dive sites from a whole new perspective at night.

wellington night diving fun specialty scuba dive nz

Why take the PADI Night Diving Specialty course?

Satisfy your natural curiosity of the night time aquatic environment, observe nocturnal aquatic animals seldom seen during the day, closely approach many fish & other shy animals that are unapproachable by day, extend your diving opportunities throughout any of the 24hrs per day & see the “true” colours of an underwater environment using your dive light at close range.

What’s involved in the Night Diver Specialty course?

We will cover night diving planning, organization, procedures, techniques and potential problems and help you with tips on how to control your buoyancy at night. Entries, exits and underwater navigation all need a bit more care at night and we will show you techniques to make this easier. We also cover nocturnal aquatic life, since many of the plants and animals you’ll see look different.  After your Knowledge Development lesson, depending on your situation there are 2 or 3 Night Dives to complete your certification.

Who can take the Night Diving course?

Any diver who is qualified as an Open Water Diver and at least 12yr’s old.

When does the Night course run?

All our specialties run regularly year round. Our training staff can work out an individual schedule for the specialty courses that interest you.

Where does the course run?

This course is usually run at local dive sites around Porirua and Wellington including our local Marine Reserve. Fish life is abundant in the Reserve and which takes on a whole different look at night. Your evenings start from our Dive Center.

How do I sign up?

Register online above with your details, it’s that simple!  You can also come by the store or give us a call or email.  Don’t forget to let us know when you would like to do the course.

This Specialty counts towards your PADI Master Scuba Diver rating!

Wellington PADI Master SCUBA Diver rating. Great SCUBA Diving nz