“The BRIGHT YELLOW Dive Store!”

Open 8am to 5pm 7 Days

Closed Public Holidays

Wellington’s only in-store diver training pool

“The BRIGHT YELLOW Dive Store” 

Wellingtons only in-store diver training pool

Open 8am to 5pm 7 Days

Closed Public Holidays

Peak Performance Buoyancy

Course Length: 1 Day/2 Dives

Open Water Diver
Diver Medical |Participant Questionnaire

padi elearning

Count’s toward PADI Master SCUBA Diver

eMail:  nzsa@scubadiving.co.nz
Phone: 04-233-8238




What is neutral buoyancy? Scuba divers like to be neutrally buoyant so they neither sink nor float. It can be a tricky thing. Divers who have mastered the art of Peak Performance Buoyancy really stand out!  Take the PPB course and get more out of every dive.

Why take the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty?

The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy course refines the basic skills you learned as a PADI Open Water Diver and elevates them to the next level. Once you have mastered your bouyancy you will find that you dive with less effort & more fun, use less air, cause less damage to the aquatic environment and see more while you are down there.

What’s involved in the course?

During the course we will cover how to trim your scuba gear so you’re perfectly balanced in the water, nuances in determining weight so you’re not too light nor too heavy by even a slight degree, how to streamline to save air and move smoothly through the water and how to hover effortlessly in both a vertical position and a horizontal position.

Who can take the Buoyancy course?

To take this course you must have an Open Water Diver or Junior Open Water Diver certification and be at least 10 years old.

When does the course run?

All our specialties run regularly year round. Our training staff can work out an individual schedule for the specialty courses that interest you.

Where does the course run?

For the dives we head to one of the many local dive sites around the Mana, Porirua and Wellington coast.

How do I sign up for the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty?

Register online above with your details, it’s that simple!  You can also come by the store or give us a call or email.  Don’t forget to let us know when you would like to do the course.

This Specialty counts towards your PADI Master Scuba Diver rating!

PADI Master Scuba Diver. Two people Scuba diving level up to become Master Scuba Divers